Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Why Snatch Is Dangerous For Me

I have a hard time going into the Sn@tch store.  Everything they make fits my style and pretty much everything comes in black and deep purple versions. Just picked up this swimsuit the other day.  I don't do a lot of Second Life swimming, but since it's my world, my reality I think it's the perfect thing to wear while buying mainland!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Have Destroyed The Price Of Land In Zindra

[04:30]  Iren Tinkel: (Saved Thu Feb 02 02:28:46 2012) hi i wanted to say you big THANKS for dropping down land market on zindra. before there was no problem to sell land now because of you i am stuck with my pieces cos i cant sell them even for the price i bought them and i paid tier for them for year and dont see any reasons to set price for it lower than i paid. and same with many other owners, you - resellers - like greedy pirates. one day you will stay here alone with all your greedy land you got. good luck
[04:38]  Sarah Nerd: Like I have any real control over the land market.  There are to many factors involved like amount of land on the market, verses active players, and the always changing LL policies.  If you think adult land is bad you should look at pg and mature.  You can buy it as low as .1L a meter.  not 1, but 0.1.  I remember 5 years ago when basic mainland was up to 25L a meter at one time.
[04:38]  Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[04:41]  Sarah Nerd: That was also a period where SL was rapidly growing.  LL then started releasing a ton of new sims and the the demand was lower so the price started to drop.  As SL has been drastically slowing the last 2 years or so prices have gone down even more. I know you want to blame someone for dropping prices, and I probably seem like a good target to you because I tend to sell lower then the other "greedies", but if you did a little research or followed the SL land economy and the factors that play into a little better you would realize that it's just not that simple.
[04:41]  Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.

[05:01]  Iren Tinkel: drasticlly fell down? yes sure, just when you started to put on market tons of cheap land and other 'greedies" (aka resellers) started to follow you. what resellers lose? nothing, they get cheap abandoned land cos you have time to search for this land. i am just creator and i buy land for my own needs and i change land often enough and it never took from me more than month to sell old land with price about 5-6 ld sqm
[05:02]  Iren Tinkel: now i cant sell my land for months lol
[05:02]  Iren Tinkel: you dont need to justify yourself
[05:02]  Sarah Nerd: I only deal with a small amount of land, about half a sims worth.  While I wish I had the control you think I do, that just isn't true
[05:02]  Iren Tinkel: i just wanted to say THANKS - people like you improve sl and make it better for sure
[05:03]  Sarah Nerd: It's not my fault land is worth less then it was a year ago and that you choose to keep paying tier on it.
[05:03]  Sarah Nerd: I've been following the SL land market for over six years
[05:03]  Iren Tinkel: oh my you sound like saint yes
[05:03]  Sarah Nerd: Do some research before you attack
[05:03]  Iren Tinkel: me too, for last year
[05:04]  Iren Tinkel: just open land search on zindra and you will see why i attack lol
[05:05]  Sarah Nerd: I have about a 1/4 sim of Zindra land for sale.
[05:06]  Sarah Nerd: If there were more buyers that would have gone quickly.  But there arernt and thats not my doing
[05:06]  Iren Tinkel: and if you think you dont have any deal with it - you are very wrong and it only means you dont understand your actions
[05:07]  Sarah Nerd: So I'm greedy because I sell cheaper then you.  I get it.
[05:07]  Iren Tinkel: also dividing big parcels for smallest ones loool - yes, sure, you re just innocent girl, go ahead with that
[05:07]  Sarah Nerd: Most people can't afford massive lots
[05:08]  Sarah Nerd: Smaller lots are more realistic for most people
[05:08]  Sarah Nerd: I'm not going to feel guilty because I make a small profit in what I do.
[05:08]  Sarah Nerd: That's the payoff for the risk involved in holding tier and buying and selling
[05:09]  Iren Tinkel: i see your point, very pitty you appear here. world crisis started also from one stupid bank who thought its ok to give cheap credits
[05:09]  Iren Tinkel: bye
[05:10]  Sarah Nerd: Well you have a nice day, and if you decide to sell your land at a reasonable price, drop me an im.
[05:10]  Iren Tinkel: kiss my ass
[05:10]  Sarah Nerd: This is Zindra, it's welcome here

Round 2 2/6/12

[10:45]  Iren Tinkel: btw - about reasonable prices - if you would watch land auctions last week on zindra you could see that 4096 parcel was sold for 45 k and 400 - for 6 r ld. its abouut real prices
[10:45]  Iren Tinkel: 6k
[10:46]  Sarah Nerd: I'm sure you factored in everything like amount of land for sale in those sims, terrain types, ect
[10:46]  Iren Tinkel: so all that you do with prices, guys, its true dump cos people are ready to pay for zindra land
[10:47]  Sarah Nerd: If land were worth as much as you seem to think it's worth, then mine would get bought off the list in seconds
[10:47]  Sarah Nerd: But it's not, and membership is down
[10:47]  Sarah Nerd: And your pissed because you want more for your land then it's worth
[10:48]  Iren Tinkel: if you could see my land - there are just 3 owners and protected linden side - and i cant sell it for crazy 5.8 even though just some months ago i could sell it easy for more price
[10:49]  Iren Tinkel: i am sure you would be pissed too if some asshole started to sell land for 2 ld sqm all the time)
[10:49]  Iren Tinkel: then your business just would die slowly
[10:49]  Sarah Nerd: I'm not going to set outdated high prices on my land
[10:49]  Sarah Nerd: I've been doing this for 6 and a half years.  I'm still here.
[10:50]  Sarah Nerd: Land prices in SL go up and down all of the time.
[10:50]  Sarah Nerd: You have to adapt to the market
[10:50]  Iren Tinkel: just because.... hm i wont tell reason lol
[10:50]  Iren Tinkel: i saw market this week on auction
[10:50]  Sarah Nerd: And if your land was as worth as much as you think it is, it would sell
[10:50]  Iren Tinkel: you should too sometimes
[10:51]  Iren Tinkel: i just dont want to divide sim for small stupid parcels cos actually i understand it kills land
[10:51]  Sarah Nerd: I do.  I prefer buying from the land list.  You used to get better deals at auction, lately you do from direct sales in world.
[10:51]  Iren Tinkel: i am not reseller
[10:51]  Sarah Nerd: Most people can't afford massive parcels.
[10:51]  Sarah Nerd: Dividing into ad lots destroys sims
[10:52]  Sarah Nerd: not normal tier sized lots
[10:52]  Iren Tinkel: when i bought my club - it was placed on the sim with 30 small parcels and i broke my ass down trying to buy land around and to make normal sim
[10:53]  Sarah Nerd: Why didn't you just buy an estate sim?
[10:53]  Sarah Nerd: Then you would of had total control
[10:53]  Sarah Nerd: And estate sims are a set price, not like mainland that goes up and down
[10:54]  Iren Tinkel: then i decided to move to place with biggest parcel and i sold all this land i got on old sim for 6.3 lindens just for a month - 17 parcels!
[10:54]  Iren Tinkel: i dont want estate sim, i dont want to hold club anymore
[10:54]  Sarah Nerd: That's awesome.  Sounds like it was a good time to be selling.
[10:55]  Iren Tinkel: it was good time cos all resellers didnt set prices so low
[10:55]  Iren Tinkel: all was in borders 5.5-6
[10:55]  Sarah Nerd: Honey resellers have been around since early in sl
[10:56]  Iren Tinkel: i know but they held prices 30-50% to auctioned land
[10:56]  Iren Tinkel: and 512 was avalable on auction for 1500-2000
[10:57]  Iren Tinkel: it was just in autumn
[10:58]  Iren Tinkel: and suddenly you started to low prices/ not you only, but some other resellers and usual guys couldnt sell land for usual prices and abandoned a lot. lindens was burried in abandoned land and dropped it for 1 ld - crazy circle
[10:58]  Sarah Nerd: Land prices change on a day to day basis, and one seller like me has no real control over land price.  It's a matter of supply and demand and right now there is much more supply then demand and I'm not going to overprice my land and pay tier on it for months on end to prove some point.
[11:00]  Sarah Nerd: Buyers set prices, not me
[11:00]  Iren Tinkel: ii think you, guys (resellers) should contact each other at least sometimes. if linden lab is silly and dont want to take profit (auctions prooved, they can do that) - so you at least could lol. i am educated economist and i true wonder how business goes here
[11:01]  Iren Tinkel: there was about 8 parcels yesterday and they all was sold for prices DOUBLE than in-world
[11:01]  Sarah Nerd: I know a good handful of sellers, especially the long term ones.  Many wont work with others and I feel like its a dirty move to get together and think of ways to get more money out of land buyers.
[11:02]  Iren Tinkel: i dont participate land sells but i like to follow this stuff
[11:03]  Iren Tinkel: sure this way you do good for new buyers they get cheap land but also they drop it out very fast - you can see you resell same parcels again and again
[11:04]  Sarah Nerd: (Name removed) sells at higher prices.  Right now he's drowning in high tier payments
[11:04]  Sarah Nerd: higher prices don't creat more buyers
[11:04]  Sarah Nerd: create*
[11:04]  Iren Tinkel: you re trying to competite each other beating prices each other but in the result you just fill sl with small parcels and no active business there
[11:05]  Iren Tinkel: everywhere 512 512 512 - crazy)
[11:05]  Iren Tinkel: idk who divided quarter of sim for lots of 512 recently - crazy idea lol
[11:05]  Sarah Nerd: For a basic member that isn't interested in paying more then the $10 monthly premium, 512 lots are perfect
[11:06]  Sarah Nerd: Dividing 1/4's into 4096's is my personal favorite.
[11:06]  Iren Tinkel: yeah but you should know - creators make this world spin
[11:06]  Sarah Nerd: Not without basic end users who are nothing more then consumers
[11:06]  Iren Tinkel: resellers make this world abandoned
[11:07]  Sarah Nerd: Yes, people reselling land is the reason membership is down lol
[11:07]  Iren Tinkel: when its down?
[11:07]  Iren Tinkel: for 3 days as promo action?
[11:08]  Iren Tinkel: they do promo time to time - estate sim was possible for o usd for 3 days
[11:08]  Sarah Nerd: Lady, I can't say it enough.  If my prices were to low, they would get bought up quickly.
[11:09]  Iren Tinkel: they do promo for 3 days, membershio still costs 72 usd year
[11:10]  Iren Tinkel: when i will sell my land one day i will take good fun takung abandoned land and selling it for 2 ld lol
[11:10]  Iren Tinkel: i think you all willbe crazy happy
[11:10]  Sarah Nerd: You better have yourself a land bot then
[11:11]  Sarah Nerd: and if you price at 2L when the lowest price on the list is 3.9, I'll gladly buy it from you
[11:11]  Iren Tinkel: rofl
[11:11]  Iren Tinkel: to buy to resell to this one who buys to resell?)
[11:12]  Iren Tinkel: are you american?
[11:12]  Sarah Nerd: Resellers buy and sell to each other all the time
[11:12]  Sarah Nerd: Yes are you?
[11:12]  Iren Tinkel: omg god saves america, they need that!
[11:13]  Iren Tinkel: i am happy russian!
[11:13]  Sarah Nerd: That makes sense.  A few times it seemed like English wasn't your first language when you said some random off the wall thing that didn't make sense in the conversation.
[11:14]  Iren Tinkel: i am sure my english is better than your russian anyway)
[11:15]  Sarah Nerd: Yea I'm sure

Yesturday morning I logged into this..
[2012/02/07 03:19]  Iren Tinkel: (Saved Mon Feb 06 23:58:05 2012) if you have any questions about my personality - feel free to ask!
[2012/02/07 03:24]  Sarah Nerd: Why do I need to know more about your personally then I already learned from your out of the blue attacks? Are we going to become great friends?
[2012/02/07 03:24]  Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.


[03:24]  Iren Tinkel: (Saved Tue Feb 14 03:28:36 2012) just to let you know - we set also for sell some small land on different sims in adult for 6 ld/sqm - and we sold it in a week for that price. just imagine how much money you lose!
[03:28]  Sarah Nerd: Well you should buy all my land thats priced at 4.3L a meter and resell it at 6L a meter. If your confident it would sell easily at 6L, you could make so much money off my land!

[03:35]  Iren Tinkel: its pity you dont understand i am not land reseller. i am sl creator and land is what i need to make my projects. and i was thinking to move completely on zindra, cos i keep some projects on private islands. but now i feel i am in shit cos i cant sell and buy land same easy as i did before and i am stuck with big parcels and paying tier for the land i dont use and wtf i must sell my land for 3 ld to assfucks as you if i bought it way expensive and it was normal price. so i better will pay tier on islands. and if you look on map of zindra you will see how much land marked yellow there - though price is cheap you dont sell your land so fast as we did before. and zindra map never was so yellow. you just will step in shit one day with your stupidity so i wish you to do, cos you will stay with your land for more and more time and will need to pay tier for this and raise up prices anyway. so good luck to you. you deserve to get same shit as you do to others
[03:41]  Sarah Nerd: You should have no problem selling your big lots at 6L a meter.  You just told me how it easy it was.
[03:42]  Sarah Nerd: And you should be a reseller since you clearly know so much about how SL land works.
[03:43]  Sarah Nerd: Just think! You could show me how it's done and make a killing! Even with someone like me selling at lower prices you had no problems selling 2L higher then me.  You said it yourself so I'm not sure why your upset.  You should be happy! You showed me alright!
[03:46]  Sarah Nerd: And which is it your doing? In one sentence you brag about how it was no problem selling at 6L a meter, then in the next sentence you bitch about how hard it to sell your land and you keep paying tier because your too stubborn to lower your overpriced lots.  Which is it?

More from Iren via a land listing title......SN - Why the heck you think? WE - regular creators - will buy land on Zindra if your purpose is to dump prices?! It means we will lose in advance buying land here! No way. Look around - Zindra is attractive now only for resellers. Nobody needs land here!

[07:48]  Sarah Nerd: If you were a good creator, the prices of land wouldn't bother you because you would be making your money on your works.  Obviously you suck.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Raymond Figtree's Florida Keys

I went nosing around Raymond Figtree's new rental property today.  It's so nice with cute cottages, cherry blossom trees, and lots of places to just relax.  

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Can't Hurt Virtual Prims

[06:46]  alison543 Resident: (Saved Fri Jan 06 01:50:33 2012) Hi, sorry to sound, I don't know, wired, but as much as your pim baby is cute, don't you think that people might hurt him or her? I've read the reviews and comments and it looks to me like people are using at as a practical joke, butanyway
[06:47]  Sarah Nerd: Well since it was intended as a joke, and virtual items cant be hurt, I'm ok with that.